on the Blog

Summer Must-Haves! doTERRA sun

Whether walking, hiking, golfing, taking a water exercise class, laying by the pool, or hanging out ...

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Spring Cleaning and Reducing Your Toxic Load

I’m intentionally keeping this blog short. I have a case of “spring fever,” maybe you do too? It's t...

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Goals and the Goodness of Essential Oils

Curious what the image on the right side of this screen is about? It's a Lifestyle Wellness Pyramid....

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Emotions, Stress, and Sleep

There are many contributing factors and connections between emotions, how we handle stress, and ulti...

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Breathe Deep and Be Well

When I’m busy or stressed out, I tend to unconsciously hold my breath or dramatically slow down my b...

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Boost and Support Your Immune System

I t’s that time of the year when most, including myself are juggling competing schedules and commitm...

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Digestion and Detoxification

Years ago, I had the privilege of crossing paths with a couple healthcare professionals from differe...

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Science, Safety, Efficacy & Uses of Oils in People & Pets

The summer season is my favorite time to use citrus oils and scents because they make me think of gr...

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Summer Fun & Seasonal Tips

Summer Fun & Seasonal Tips May and June have been filled with many family visitors, events, and trav...

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