
Our Health and Honoring the Men in our Lives

Fitness, Wellness, Healthy Living, Nutrition, Exercise, Essential Oils
Taking care of our personal health and the healthcare of our family members is a full-time job. Day to day, there isn’t that much time for the extras in life after the workday is over. We're pulled in so many different directions with so many things on our minds!

Did we get in a workout first thing in the morning or after work? Did we have time to grocery shop, meal plan and prep? And if not, where are our healthy meals going to come from? Are we moving closer to our wellness goals or getting caught up in the moment and doing things that take us away from the progress we desire? What got in the way of our self-care? It's hard to juggle and balance our competing tasks with caring for those in our lives.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in daily responsibilities and “adulting” as we now call it. 😊 When it’s all said and done, just the basics of wellness require hard work, discipline, commitment, and prioritization. And yet, just one newly established small habit created to improve our wellbeing can make a difference in managing our stress levels, emotional endurance, and physical health. Baby steps count here! Healthy habits don't have to be complicated!

What one positive change can you make for yourself or to support your family members and loved ones? How can you free up time to allow your loved ones the times and space to be healthy and get in fitness? How can you physically get moving in a way that you can maintain the routine and feel the benefits? Remember, a little goes a long way with improving your health. 

Can you start with a five minute walk three times a day? This would have a positive effect on your stress levels, free your mind, increase your deep breathing, get your heart rate going, and possibly energize you. Maybe take a few minutes to stretch each day. Just like walking, there are health benefits associated with stretching and we tend to forget how a body in motion stays in motion ... that's one of my favorite sayings.😉 Summer is here and it's the perfect time to get out early in the morning or evening for some fresh air and activity. 

As for me, the past couple months I've been focused on making it to spin class, three times a week. Thankfully, there is a Cycle Bar right up the street from where I live which makes it super easy to get there quickly. It feels so good to be back on track! I'm starting to mentally and physically feel the difference! This week, I've increased my spinning to four times and will remain committed to that new weekly goal. A 5:45 am class is the best time for me to knock this out especially when my energy is high. I start the day knowing I've accomplished something meaningful to take care of myself! 

In honor of Men's Health Month, here are some quick and easy resources.


I learned a long time ago that in order to take care of my family and colleagues, I must also care for myself spiritually, emotionally and physically. How can I help you prioritize and take care of yourself? 

For personal support, go to my calendar and schedule a complimentary consult. Complete the form below to get your free eBook on Essential Oils and Fitness. I'm looking forward to coming alongside of you on the journey of wellness.
In good health, 
P.S.  Don't forget to click subscribe and stay up to date with my newest blog.

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