
Our Mental Health

Well-being, Mental Health, Natural Solutions, Emotional Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, You’re likely aware that it’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Yet, did you know, there are over 200 types of mental illness? Mental health includes physical, mental, and social well-being. Commonly we hear about the top five disorders: psychotic, anxiety, mood, eating, and dementia. Trauma and medical conditions can also impact mental health. Mental illness affects all ages, races, and genders. Unfortunately, no one is excused from having a bout at some time and point in life. A person’s mental health can change at any time. And many know that mental health is directly correlated to physical well-being. Just think of the days you’re mentally exhausted and want to veg out. That’s all ok in moderation. However, are there times when you see a pattern creep up of not wanting to do anything because you’re emotionally drained from stress or feeling overwhelmed?

Recently, I’ve learned from some friends about how complicated these mental health disorders can be, debilitating and life changing. Sometimes people are misdiagnosed for years until all the pieces of the puzzle come together and they can make sense of what is going on. It is never too late to figure out events from the past and get the help you need. Remember, we’re talking about improving our quality of life. Know you are not alone. Continue to seek out the answers you need if you know in your mind, heart, and gut that some memories and situations don’t line up or make sense. Or maybe things make sense, but the pain is still very much present and taking up too much space in your brain or heart.

Do you think you don’t have the time to deal with your past? Or maybe you financially can’t afford counseling or therapy. Remember, if you are employed to tap into your Employee Benefits. Sometimes you are allotted a certain number of free sessions through your Employee Assistance Program (EAP). There are also several resources online to help you get connected. Start with just one call and don’t give up until you get the support needed to start feeling better. Only you know what you need. Additionally, there are community groups and resources to also help on the journey of mental health wellness. Many counseling and group sessions are now offered online, which makes it more convenient for people to get involved. Get out of your comfort zone and meet up in-person with a group of people who you share things in common with. This too can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

When these mental health issues keep you from being your best, keep you from thriving at what you enjoy and love, or steel your time, joy, and social interactions, it’s time to lean on someone else for a while. Stay open to the possibilities. Start small, go slow, and stay consistent and committed to the process. Maybe start with some self-reflection, meditation, and journaling. There are also classes, therapies, and behavioral modification tools available with proven success. Talented, experienced, and knowledgeable experts are out there who can help you uncover the root cause of what you’re experiencing. Just give it a try!

Keep in mind that exercise and nutrition also play a big role in your mental health and well-being. Setting boundaries and incorporating self-care are good and consistent ways to support taking care of your mental and physical health. If you need emotional strength, focus, or motivation, diffuse oils to give you that boost to accomplish whatever is on your radar. Below are some resources to help you start finding your way.


For personal support, go to my calendar and schedule a complimentary consult. I'm looking forward to coming alongside of you on the journey of wellness.
In good health, 
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