
Spring Cleaning and Reducing Your Toxic Load

doTERRA Essential Oils and Natural Cleaning Solutions, toxins in the home, green cleaning productsI’m intentionally keeping this blog short. I have a case of “spring fever,” maybe you do too? It's that time of the year to be outside, feel the fresh air on your skin, breathe in the fresh air, increase physical activity, and yet sneak in some time for deep cleaning around the house (at least on our rainy spring days 😊). Another reason to keep this short is the topic. We could go in so many directions about what chemicals are lurking around in our homes and all the places they are hidden. Today, I’ll lay the foundation and in the future build upon it more.
In the past, I wasn’t convinced I had an issue with cleaning products. I have a biology degree with a minor in chemistry. So, removing certain cleaners and reducing toxins in my home was the last place I started thinking about using essential oils and natural solutions. Now, I’m sold on it and couldn’t imagine going back to my germ freak ways with toxic cleaning agents. 
Often people don’t think about the health symptoms they are having in relation to the chemicals, cleaners, dyes, or daily products they are using. What we breathe in and topically apply to our skin affects our health. Stop and think about it. Mentally scan your body and reflect on the signs and symptoms you may be experiencing that may need to be investigated. 
Fortunately, I started using kitchen gloves a very long time ago. This has been a lifesaver when I look back on it. You don't have to live in discomfort (dry itchy, cracked skin with rashes due to chemical burns) or stain your clothes to think you are getting something clean! It is not healthy when you breathe in a chemical and it burns your nasal passages and throat or causes your eyes to water. Don’t ignore the signs! There are other alternatives to keep your home clean!
Here's an interesting article that caught my attention. Pretty hurts: are chemicals in beauty products making us ill?  “American women use an average of 12 products a day – nearly 200 chemicals – according to a 2004 study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit environment and health advocacy group. Another survey, conducted by a beauty retailer in 2016, found women averaged 16 products a day on their face alone.” 
On another note, what do you know about the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? This is a new area and world of information for me. Honestly, I never thought about it until being introduced to natural cleaners. You may find this article telling. It could take centuries for the EPA to test all the unregulated chemicals under a new landmark bill. 
Now, I am fortunate that somewhere along the way, I discovered vinegar and baking soda. I’m in love with both and use them regularly in my laundry, dishwasher, and items in the sink (especially for getting coffee and tea stains out of mugs, and sanitizing my wood cutting boards and pots). I feel like a chemist when I use the two together😊. I also love that vinegar and baking soda are so inexpensive and versatile! Citrus oils pair nicely with vinegar and baking soda.

Here are some resources to help clean up your environment.


          Think Dirty app 


To get started with dōTERRA’s natural cleaning solutions, click below.

For personal support, go to my calendar and schedule a complimentary consult. For more detailed education, complete the form below to get your free eBook on Cleaning with Essential Oils. I'm looking forward to coming alongside of you on the journey of wellness.
In good health, 
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Thank you for your request to get a copy of the eBook on Cleaning with Essential Oils. Enjoy!

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