
Goals and the Goodness of Essential Oils

Wellness Lifestyle Pyramid, Emotions, Aromatherapy, Goals, Habits, Essential Oils, Health, Natural Solutions
Curious what the image on the right side of this screen is about? It's a Lifestyle Wellness Pyramid. What goals do you have for yourself? Does this include managing or improving your healthcare or lifestyle? This blog looks at both aspects and how they're intertwined. 

Goals and habits go hand in hand, so if you haven’t scanned through last month’s blog, on Daily Habits, Health, and Nutrition, check it out now. The tips and info on habits may help you view setting goals as something manageable through habit stacking. If you're needing to press the reset button, heading into the spring season can be a great time of renewal spiritually, physically, and emotionally. One of the beauties of adulthood is that any day or time, we have the choice to “start again” with anything that is meaningful and going to make a difference our lives. This leads me to share a brief story.

Nearly two years ago, I completed earning my Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree. It had been a dream on my radar for too many years. About four years ago, I pivoted and reprioritized life and made getting my MBA a goal. This is a friendly reminder that no matter what is in the back of your mind or on your heart, if it is something you want to experience, earn, or improve on, it is never too late! I'm so thankful I achieved obtaining this advanced degree. It has spurred me on to the next season in life and I feel was instrumental in getting me to the next position that I started last month as a Director, Organizational Development. This degree tied together my diverse background and experiences, and gave me an appreciation and insights for the cross-functional work I already love doing in developing individuals, teams, departments, and organizations. Improving culture and engagement by making a positive impact on people through leadership and performance is what brings me fulfillment. When working on my MBA, I started using and learning about essential oils. An interest I had put on the back burner for many years. Sharing oils was a natural fit since I love spending time serving people who are seeking improved wellness.
So, remember, it’s never too late to put a goal and plan in place. If you need encouragement, mentoring, or coaching, let's chat. If you need an accountability partner or cheerleader, I'd be happy to serve in that way too. We all need someone in our corner!

One last thought on goals,.. to keep me on track, I like to stay present, focused on the progress I’m making, and keep perspective of where I’ve come from. It’s so important to remember that one new habit in your commitment to yourself (through behavior, schedule, a workout routine, devotional time, or nutrition plan) can make a big difference on your mindset, spirit, mood, energy, or state of being. We must take care of ourselves, follow our hearts, and calling in order to take care of our loved ones, work responsibilities, communities, and home. Self-care is not selfish!
My favorite books that made an impression on my viewpoints, goals, and moved me forward in life:
  • Every Good Endeavor by Timothy Keller
  • Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud
  • Strengths Finder 2.0, From Gallup by Tom Rath (With the purchase of the book, at the back of the book, you’ll find a code to get online and complete the complimentary quiz. I’d encourage you to do this. You may be surprised what you learn about yourself!)
Not sure where to start with improving your mental, emotional, or physical wellness? Pause. Be still. And listen to your body and heart to find the one or two areas you want to focus on. Below is a list of information guides and worksheets to help narrow down where to start. 
My personal oil favorites: 

  • For convenience, these come in an Emotional Aromatherapy Touch Kit as well. The rollerballs in the Touch Kit are pre-made and ready for application! A great starting place with oils.
Customize your cart with a combination of the following:

  • Motivate Touch or Oil - great to bring focus or energy. 
  • Black Spruce – diffuse or I like to rub on the backside of my hands throughout the day since it is calming and grounding. This oil is also great for helping with dark spots on the skin.
  • Diffuse Douglas Fir and Wild Orange – to keep you calm, energized and uplifted.
  • Diffuse Siberian Fir and Lemon – which is relaxing and for a positive aroma.

My brother and I often talk about the power of these essential oils. They change us for the better whether we use them aromatherapy, topically, or internally. There are simple and easy steps to start your journey with swapping out what you're using and making a change to products that are healthier for you and can be incorporated into your daily routine.
For personal support, go to my calendar and schedule a complimentary consult. Complete the form below to get your free eBook on the Emotional Benefits of Aromatherapy. I'm looking forward to coming alongside of you on the journey of wellness.
In good health, 
P.S.  Don't forget to click subscribe and stay up to date with my newest blog.


Fill in your information to receive your free copy of the eBook on the Emotional Benefits of Aromatherapy. 

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