
Daily Habits, Health, and Nutrition

Lifelong Vitality, Nutrition, Supplements, Protein Shakes

We’ve all heard that it takes 30 days to establish a new habit. Did you know that it only takes four days to break this new habit, whether it is a good or bad habit such as eating healthy, drinking more water, exercising, meditating, journaling, getting more rest, or reducing how much TV and screen time we’re taking in. A trusted nutritionist and friend shared this fact with me years ago and it was surprising. I couldn’t believe how quickly all that hard work I had incorporated into my life could be kicked to the curb and escape so easily. I’m so thankful she shared this life changing lesson with me. It has made me more aware of how to be successful with staying on track and self-monitoring, no matter what it is that I want to keep doing that is making me a healthier, happier, and better person.
The power of our daily habits is mind-blowing when I stop to think about it. It is our daily habits and moments that shape our lives. Have you ever thought about what you could do in 15 minutes that would really move the needle in making an improvement on your wellbeing? Time passes so quickly. I’m often thinking about how I can leverage 15 minutes to do something that will have lasting benefits on my mind, body, and spirit.

Over ten years ago I became a fan of taking vitamins and omegas regularly. Thankfully my Internist noticed that my cholesterol was borderline high. High cholesterol is genetic and runs in my family. My doctor prescribed fish oil and I’m happy to say that since then, this is what has helped me to maintain normal cholesterol levels. Additionally, regularly exercising, eating a high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting rest and restorative sleep were positive habits I adopted early on in life. I had no idea the lasting impact this would have on my wellness. 
I’ve come to realize this habit of incorporating supplements into my routine three times a day is more than a habit. It is a way of helping me to feel energetic, strong, focused, positive, and present. It is also a way to proactively protect my health, and make sure that I’m getting the nutrition I need, even when I’m too busy to eat how I really want to with homemade, healthy, and tasty foods.  Below are some tools and resources. I hope you find at least one pearl of wisdom in these treasures to apply in becoming the best version of yourself. 

Where do you want to start with creating one new habit to change how you feel? 
Starting on the inside with giving your body the nutrition it needs is the easiest way to boost your overall health, clarity of thought, and energy, while providing your organ systems with antioxidant and metabolic support. In my opinion, supplements are the most powerful and easiest way to jump start your physical and emotional wellness. A couple pointers I’d suggest is to keep your supplements out in the open where you can see them either on your bathroom or kitchen counter. Put a week’s worth of your supplements in packets ready to ‘grab and go’ so you have them when you need them. Finally, add them on to a habit you already have in place. It can be any habit. It’s easy to incorporate supplements into your mealtimes, post-workout shake, or a healthy snack.
You don’t need to make a ton of changes all at the same time to see and feel an improvement in your body. In all honesty, decide on just one area to focus on. This is the best way to gain momentum and be successful. There is no need to deprive yourself of everything you enjoy. One small positive new habit can have lasting effects. Gain confidence and build on your personal wellness plan by adding on an additional new habit every month or so.
Here are some quick and easy ways to start improving your health.
  • dōTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality Pack (LLV) contains the essential vitamins, minerals, and omegas the body needs to function optimally. These supplements are bioavailable, and each dose contains 12 servings of fruits and vegetables (available in the traditional formula or vegan). dōTERRA is known for thinking ahead with their high-quality products and formulated these supplements with a tummy taming digestive blend of essential oils to offset upset stomach commonly experienced when taking over the counter vitamins.  dōTERRA stands by the purity and efficacy of LLV with a 30-day money back guarantee. Why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose! Healthy Habits Enrollment Kit
  • dōTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality comes in a convenient sachet/packet, ready to go. Toss them in your lunch or gym bag, backpack, or purse.  Take them twice a day with breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. I prefer taking them at breakfast and lunch since I get a bump of energy in the afternoon after my lunch dose. Lifelong Vitality Pack (Sachets) 30-Day Supply 
  • If your energy is low, have you thought about how your digestive system is working? Are you absorbing the food you’re ingesting so the body can convert it to energy? If you’re not sure, learn more about cleansing the body and consider bringing on board food enzymes and probiotics. Read my blog on Digestion and Detoxification.
  • Maybe it’s time to think about replacing one meal a day with a protein shake? This could be an opportunity to incorporate more plant-based nutrition by selecting the Vegan Protein Shake. Remember, food is fuel! 
    1. One way I change up my protein shakes is with my supplemental essential oils. Here are my tricks to enjoying the taste of my shakes.
      • Chocolate Shake with a couple drops of dōTERRA’s Peppermint essential oil.
      • Vanilla Shake with a couple drops of one of the following essential oils:
        • Madagascar Vanilla 
        • Cinnamon 
        • Wild Orange
      • On my Pinterest Page, under Breakfast Items & Smoothies you’ll find some more recipes.
    2. Listen to a Podcast – Supporting Your Body with the dōTERRA Nutrition Line
    3. News – New doTERRA Nutrition Line Takes Aim at Deficiencies in Modern Diets 
Select which of dōTERRA’s Nutrition Line is right for you to achieve your goals. Enjoy the Nutritional Line Cookbook as a gift when you enroll as a member. 

The membership is $35 annually and allows you to shop at wholesale prices (like a Sam’s or Costco membership). This saves you from paying retail prices!
For personal support, go to my calendar and schedule a complimentary consult. Complete the form below to get your free eBook on Lifelong Vitality. This resource will provide you with insights on how to measure wellness, cultivate a healthy lifestyle, and how to use Lifelong Vitality.  I'm looking forward to coming alongside of you on the journey of wellness.
In good health, 
P.S.  Don't forget to click subscribe and stay up to date with my newest blog.

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