
MetaPWR comes at the right time!

MetaPWR Starter System, Energy & Metabolism, Wellness, doTERRA Healthy Living, Tianna Lucas

I’ve been cutting corners! Can you relate? There’s been so much going on the past several months with starting a new job (which I LOVE! 😊), and my brother being in the hospital, having some procedures, and lots of follow up doctor appointments. I was trying to get by and stay on top of my health … I’m always seeking the right balance. 

Well, there’s nothing like an appointment with my practitioner and some routine lab work to show where my “exceptions” have caught up with me. My personal life resembles the imbalanced teeter-totter of life as shown in the image on this page! Stress and a busy schedule are certainly contributing factors. Yet, there is evidence why my energy is very low and some of these lab results are within my control, and some are not. 

So, of course, it’s time to get back on track, seriously! It’s been almost four weeks since I returned to clean eating. Every time I re-enter a season of higher standards, I’m learning and trying something new. This time I was surprised how much easier it’s been to stay the course with eating healthy. There’s lots of time spent on meal planning and increasing the variety of foods I’m eating to get the nutrients my body needs. Plus, we all know it’s important to keep moving. No matter how tired I feel, I’m committed to continuing to spin three times a week. It is more than spinning at the Cycle Bar in Franklin. The instructors and staff are friendly, welcoming, and share encouraging and affirming messages during the class while pushing you to get stronger and better with every ride! Daily, I’m also consciously remembering to breathe, stay calm, and set realistic expectations emotionally and physically. Taking breaks in between meetings and honoring a little lunch break are helping with this too. And rest is the best medicine! I’m honoring this with listening to my body and either getting to bed earlier, staying in bed later or taking a nap on the weekends. Prayer and spiritual work keep me grounded and able to process life events with perspective. Additionally, supplements play a big part at helping the body to “reset” with a cleanse and making sure nutrient levels are where they need to be to ensure optimal functioning of the body. One thing I will say I’m thankful for is that my Vitamin B 12 and D levels are where they need to be. Lots to monitor and juggle, yet worth the focus! I’m remembering to celebrate what is working and where I’m making progress. 

One more new addition ... I plan on starting dōTERRA’s new MetaPWR system in a week or two. This comes at the perfect time for me given my lab work and some borderline results that I want to keep at bay. Have you heard about dōTERRA’s new MetaPWR system? Wondering about all this talk about MetaPWR? What is it? Why is everyone so excited?

MetaPWR is a new product system announced at dōTERRA Connection 2022 | Heal, with MetaPWR Metabolic Blend at its heart. MetaPWR Metabolic Blend contains the same five essential oils as Slim & Sassy®—Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark—but in different ratios. We researched human fat cells and different versions of the Slim & Sassy (meaning different ratios or blends of those five essential oils) and identified the most effective combination.

That most effective combination is MetaPWR Metabolic Blend. When taken internally, it can reduce hunger cravings, promote healthy metabolic function, and help shrink adipose fat cells!* But the new MetaPWR system is more than just the single essential oil blend. It also includes MetaPWR Assist, which helps with blood glucose curves, and MetaPWR Advantage with Collagen + NMN, which tackles metabolism from the angle of aging.

You know the drill ... I like to provide facts and resources, so look below for those.
For personal support, go to my calendar and schedule a complimentary consult. I'm looking forward to coming alongside of you on the journey of wellness through essential oils and natural solutions. If you're ready to try some samples based on your health needs, please fill out the form below. 
In good health, 
P.S.  Don't forget to click subscribe and stay up to date with my newest blog.

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Please fill out the form below to receive your free samples and I'll get them in the mail ASAP to make sure your needs are met.

I'll follow-up after you get your samples to show you how to get the most value out of them! 

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