
Caring for Your Largest Organ, the Skin

doTERRA Spa, Skin Essentials, Moisturizers and Hydrating Mist
The holidays came and went quickly. I guess that’s to be expected whether enjoying time with loved ones, staying the course to finish the year strong professionally, or pausing to reflect and regroup before heading into the New Year. Hopefully your New Year is filled with plans, goals, desires, and hopes that will boost you on to your next milestone on the journey!  

Winter is officially here in Nashville! Two snow falls the first week of January. Crazy! I wasn’t ready for that, and neither was my skin! I’m naturally a big handwasher (with a degree in Biology and minor in Chemistry, it’s hard to escape what I’ve learned about germs 😊). On top of that, I enjoy being in the kitchen and hosting Christmas whipping up great meals and desserts this year meant my handwashing was at an all-time high and off the charts. And now the dry cold winter weather is also wreaking havoc on my hands and skin.

This blog introduces information on the toxic load on skin, use of essential oils topically, products to nourish, and hydrate the skin.
Have you stopped to think about what you’ve been using on your skin from the start of the day, first thing in the morning to the end of the day, when getting ready for bed? Literally, from head to toe, what are you using for personal care? I was guilty of neglecting paying attention to this until I learned about using clean and natural products. I had taken for granted my skin over the years, unless I had an occasional problem I spotted visually.  Now as I’m getting older, I’m realizing how important skin care is as part of my overall wellness. It needs attention just like all my other organs.

Products we apply and chemicals that touch our skin affect our health. As you know, the skin has pores and is very absorptive. The skin has several functions such as providing protection, regulating our body temperature, and supporting our immune and endocrine systems.  It informs us by sending signals of what is going on inside and outside our body. I’ve been told and have found it to be personally true that when you get an unexplainable rash, it is a sign of what is going on inside your body from possibly a sensitivity or reaction to something you ingested. External environmental factors can also cause the skin to react.

Click here for more information on where to begin with reducing the Toxic Load:  What Are You Putting on Your Skin?

 Tips for integrating essential oils into your daily routine, my favorite Spa Products, and pampering tricks!
  • When my hands are dry and cracked, I’ll roll Immortelle or Black Spruce over the tops/back side of my hands during the day or at night before going to bed. Once this soaks in, occasionally I'll then layer with the Spa Hand & Body Lotion or Body Butter. Immortelle has all the essential oils for the skin to help with anti-aging in addition to being moisturizing. Black Spruce is great for helping with age spots and soothing skin irritations, while providing aromatherapy that is calming and relaxing for the emotions.
  • The Spa Hand & Body Lotion and Body Butter smell good on their own. Yet, I enjoy adding 1-2 drops of essential oils to these moisturizing agents. Try Lavender, Balance, Cypress or Northern Escape.
  • dōTERRA's Spa Body Wash has a light and fresh scent. If I’m wanting a different aromatherapy effect, I love adding 20-30 drops of Adaptiv, Serenity, or Citrus Bloom to my bottle. Recently, I added 10 drops each of Peppermint and Eucalyptus to my bottle of Body Wash to help provide respiratory support with the seasonal threats going on this winter.
  • I keep a Spa Lip Balm in my purse, at my office desk, on the coffee table, and one on my nightstand. This has become my favorite lip treatment and my brother and sister are huge fans too!   
  • Correct-X is an ointment for all things skin related! My family has experienced quick healing results for cuts on the hands, face, and legs, cracked and chapped lips, and eczema when using Correct-X. This ointment consists of all the powerful essential oils most effective in healing and nourishing the skin.
  • The Hydrating Body Mist with Beautiful Blend is one of my most favorite gifts to bless someone with! I've been told by many that it is more moisturizing than common lotions or creams! The nourishing properties of coconut, sunflower, avocado, and passion fruit combine in this hydrating mist to help improve overall appearance for healthy-looking and radiant skin. It's infused with Lime, Bergamot, Osmanthus Flower, and Frankincense essential oils and smells so yummy. I used to think of this as a summer-time dry skin repair oil. Now I use it all year long!  
  • Don't forget about Lavender and Tea Tree, two of the most common and versatile oils that also soothe minor skin irritations, and provide a cleansing and calming effect. Accidentally, I bumped my finger on the oven rack a few days ago (my kitchen linens were in the laundry) while reaching to take something out. After icing my finger, I gently rubbed Lavender oil over the little burn. Thankfully, it has healed and there is no sign of a scar!
  • Learn about The Customizable Essential Skin Care KitThis is the easiest skin care routine and best products I've ever used! Everyone of these items does exactly what it claims! The Facial Cleanser, Toner, and Invigorating Scrub are gentle yet cleanse wonderfully. I also love having an anti-aging moisturizer and cream option to choose from based on my skin needs, daytime, or nighttime use. These Essentials along with Immortelle and Black Spruce are my daily favorites!

doTERRA Customizable Skin Essentials, Moisturizers and Anti-Aging Immortelle doTERRA Lip Balms, Correct-X and Spa Favorites doTERRA Spa Hand and Body Lotion, Body Butter, and Hydrating Body Mist with Beautiful Blend

The Yarrow Pom Collection is your answer to youthful, vibrant ,and glowing skin! From the inside out, use the Cellular Beauty Complex Capsules, Active Botanical Nutritive Duo, and Body Renewal Serum which contain powerful antioxidants, soothes and firms the skin, promotes collagen production, and brightens the complexion. 

 For personal support, go to my calendar and schedule a complimentary consult. Complete the form below to get your free eBook on Topical Use of Essential Oils. I'm looking forward to coming alongside of you on the journey of wellness.
In good health, 
P.S.  Don't forget to click subscribe and stay up to date with my newest blog.

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