
Digestion and Detoxification

Years ago, I had the privilege of crossing paths with a couple healthcare professionals from different specialties who helped me connect the dots and uncover my digestive issues. Being in-tune with my body, I felt like I was dragging myself around and had no energy. I ate healthy and was making homemade protein bars, having protein shakes with spinach, and eating other lean meats, nuts, and veggies. Additionally, I took the opposite approach with cutting out foods I thought may be causing the issues. Eliminating raw vegetables, nuts, and gluten didn’t solve my problems either. Literally everything I ate or drank wreaked havoc on my gut. It was mind boggling and beyond frustrating knowing that I was disciplined and eating clean yet continuing to experience ongoing gastrointestinal symptoms. Additionally, all the traditional medical tests I had showed that everything was “normal and looked good.”  

Growing up on a farm with fresh fruits and veggies, learning to cook, and eating well balanced meals was a gift I was given at an early age. I was forced to look at why these healthy foods were causing me so much discomfort. It hadn’t crossed my mind that I had no energy because my food wasn’t being digested properly. No matter how healthy you eat, if what you’re eating is not being digested, you’re not absorbing the nutrients your body needs to function optimally.  

I learned that my digestive system does not process, breakdown or digest any food on its own. So, I started taking supplements. Food enzymes and probiotics were instrumental with aiding my digestive system in breaking down food so it could be absorbed and metabolized into energy. Probiotics helped me balance and normalize my gut bacteria, called microbiome.  

Over ten years later, managing my digestive health is a moving target and I continue to learn, evaluate, monitor, and stay up to date with advancements on natural solutions. It was just a few years ago that I learned the importance of maintaining a detox regimen. Cells are constantly shifting in the body; nothing stays the same.  Even the high-end and clean fruits, vegetables, and meats we eat expose us to unhealthy pathogens. Keep in mind that our environment contributes to our physical health too. So, this has required me to continually look at the entire system of digestion and keep pushing forward in healing my gut. To start gaining further understanding on gut microbiome and wellness, read: 

Healthy digestion is the main building block of wellness, in my opinion. My purpose in writing this blog is to provide a foundation for the importance of tackling issues from a place where common root causes start yet are often overlooked. Every body system is linked. Whatever is ailing you or you are looking to improve on, consider stepping back and starting with examining your digestive system. For example, if you’re wanting to boost your immune system, start with cleansing and detoxing the organ systems first! This is a crucial step! There are many ways to go about this process and it doesn’t need to be difficult, painful, or expensive. Here are some resources and articles on the digestive system, cleansing and detoxifying.  

After numerous attempts and different detox trials, I’d suggest dōTERRA’s 30-Day Cleanse & Restore Kit.     Order Your Cleanse & Restore Kit   

This Cleanse & Restore Kit is comprehensive, easy to follow, comes with step-by-step instructions and best of all, it cleanses the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin.  Some of the key products included are outlined below.  

  1. GX Assist does the cleansing and DDR Prime Softgels work at the cellular level to fight oxidative stress.  Learn: How does oxidative stress affect the body?
  2. PB Assist+ pre-biotic fiber and probiotic microorganisms restore gut bacteria and health.  PB Assist + is key to supporting healthy digestive functions and immunity.  DigestZen TerraZyme food enzymes break down complex carbohydrate, proteins, fats, sugars, and fiber to convert food into energy.  
  3. Lifelong Vitality Pack (LLV) is also included to provide day in and day out nutrients your body needs.  There are more than 12 servings of fruits and vegetables in each dose of the vitamin, mineral and omega servings!  In addition to helping people improve their overall wellness, have higher energy, and feel better, LLV also supports cardiovascular, circulatory, brain, and immune function health.  Fundamental to this vitality program containing bioavailable vitamins and minerals, essential oils are included as key ingredients that support absorption and digestion so you don't have an upset tummy, which is commonly experienced with other vitamin packs. Learn more about each of the LLV products here.  

The most important point is to keep seeking answers and get resolution on whatever is causing you distress and keeping you from feeling your best.  If you’ve been putting up with symptoms for any period, don’t allow yourself to think it is normal, due to aging, part of the stress you’re under, or that it is acceptable to tolerate.  Regarding stress, it affects many levels of physical and emotional health and there is no way to avoid it.  Stress has certainly played a huge role in contributing to my digestive issues. However, stress should not be a way of life in settling for living with unwanted symptoms. There are options and ways to cope. Stay patient. Keep in mind, if you’ve had digestive issues for an extended period, it is going to take some more time to get your body to respond to a new way of functioning. Everything in life that is worth fighting for requires patience and persistence, it’s a process.

Remember, the body is designed to heal itself. That’s exactly what I did over time with some help, knowledge and experience from others along the way. My gut health and immunity now are better than ever. Like everyone else, I try to make good healthy choices when it comes to eating, drinking plenty of water, exercising, getting quality sleep, and having downtime. For the most part, now I can eat most of what I want in moderation.  

For further support, complete the form below or go to my calendar and book a complimentary consult. Over zoom or in-person, we'll talk about what matters most to you and take steps to get you on the road to feeling better with natural solutions and essential oils. 
In good health, 
P.S.   Stay tuned by subscribing below to receive my newest blog.  Sometime in the future, I’ll comment more on gut health in relation to other health issues such as emotions and weight management. You're also welcome to complete the below form for a complimentary consult.

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