
Emotions, Stress, and Sleep

Emotions, Stress, and Sleep and how to improve with doTERRA Essential Oils and Natural Solutions

There are many contributing factors and connections between emotions, how we handle stress, and ultimately how this impacts our sleep, good or bad. Even positive and exciting times in life can be stressful. And let’s not forget the role the gut plays in regulating mood and well-being. 

The holidays are here. On top of ordinary life, tasks, and commitments, we want to enjoy the holiday season. This blog is intended to provide a starting place for solutions to reduce stress and improve sleep. Later, I’ll build on this topic. 

As we move through this holiday season, I hope you find time to change up your routine and take time for yourself. Additionally, hopefully you'll find a way to pause, reflect, rest, and celebrate with your loved ones. 

I also understand this may not be an easy or joyful time of the year. Loss of loved ones, life disappointments, difficult people, personalities, expectations, finances, and challenging schedules can be overwhelming and make it hard to find happiness. My hope is that you will take care of yourself and do what is best for you during the holiday season. Find ways to honor your emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing.
Before you read through all the articles and resources below, have you been thinking about getting started with essential oils and natural solutions? If so, heads up on a very special promotion going on now with Seasons Treasures. When you place an order of 200+ PV in December (while supplies last), you will automatically get a complimentary gift from doTERRA for the following 5 ml oils: Frankincense, Myrrh, and Holiday Love. These are versatile everyday oils.


There are three ways to use essential oils (smelling, ingesting, and topical application). Science shows that if you understand the chemical properties, you’re more likely to get better efficacy when using the oils all three ways.

Have you downloaded the Essential Life App onto your phone or main device? 
This is my go-to quick reference when using essential oils. It’s only $4.99 per year and worth every penny! Whenever I’m in need, literally in seconds I can find what I’m looking for to help me grab the right oils and get them onboard through internal, aromatic, or topical use. The Essential Life App is a great starting point until I can get in front of my other resources to do further research.  The lists below on oils to use for relief of feeling depressed, sad, and crying came out of the Essential Life App.

Feeling Depressed or Sad? Consider trying these oils
     Douglas Fir (topical and aromatic use only)
Feeling like crying? Check out these oils
     Cypress (topical and aromatic use only)
     Neroli Touch
There are unlimited options for managing emotions during the day, transitioning into the late afternoon, and early evening to get your mind and body prepared for relaxation and sleep. Here are some oils and products to start with.
For daytime relief of stress, tension, emotional irritability, or focus I’d suggest:
     Black Spruce Oil
     Green Mandarin Oil
     Motivate Oil or Touch
     Adaptiv System
     Mind and Mood Wellness Program (if not already a wholesale member, become one and add this to your monthly Loyalty order)
Click images below to order any of the above listed oils.
Adaptiv System, emotional support, anxiety, mood swings, stressdoTERRA Mind & Mood Wellness Program, stress, anxiety, times of transition, emotional support

Nighttime Solutions
     Serenity Bath Bars, Oil and Softgels – The Serenity Restful Blend includes a mixture of oils that are helpful with relaxation, calming the body and
     mind, as well and soothing and comforting. I regularly diffuse Serenity at night in my bedroom.

     Holiday Peace – Limited Time Offer, so add this to your cart when purchasing. Since it’s the holidays, I’ve switched over to diffusing Holiday Peace at night
     and it has been a lovely change. I still diffuse it throughout the day in my office and even made a rollerball to use on the insides of my wrists and pulse points.

     Nighttime Restful Body Oil – Limited Time Offer, again add this to your cart when purchasing. I cannot wait to receive this! I'm planning on using it in my bath.

     Copaiba Oil & Softgels
     Hawaiian Sandalwood
     Sleep Wellness Program (for Loyalty orders)
Click images below to order any of the above listed oils or the Lavender Diffuser Blend oils.
doTERRA Sleep Wellness Program, sleep hygiene, sleep behavior modification, sleep natural solutions and essential oilsdoTERRA Lavender Diffuser Blends, relaxation essential oil diffuser blends, calming and relaxing Lavender Diffuser Blends
If you haven’t tried a Wellness Program before, I’d strongly suggest you give it a chance. These kits come with educational information and it makes ordering the appropriate oils and products a synch! You can put the subscription on hold or cancel at any time.

Body or Foot Soak – keep in mind most of the above-mentioned oils and recipes are adaptable for soaking!
     Add 2 cups Epsom Salt
     ½ cup Baking Soda
     Essential Oils of choice
Enjoy a cup of tea after dinner and yet a couple hours before bedtimethese doTERRA essential oils are supplements, so you can take them internally. Just one drop will do! Remember these are CPTG oils; pure, and potent!
     Roman Chamomile
     Madagascar Vanilla
Have you considered using a sound machine to see if that will help with enhancing your quality of sleep? Sometimes I turn it on when I am getting into bed. Other times, I turn it on in the middle of the night. The background sound is soothing. I recommend the Marpac Dohm Classic Sound Machine.
For personal support, go to my calendar and schedule a complimentary consult. Complete the form below to get your free eBook on Topical Use of Essential Oils. I'm looking forward to coming alongside of you on the journey of wellness.
In good health, 
P.S.  Don't forget to click subscribe and stay up to date with my newest blog.

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