
Breathe Deep and Be Well

Take a Deep Breath, doTERRA Respiratory Essential Oils

When I’m busy or stressed out, I tend to unconsciously hold my breath or dramatically slow down my breathing. It takes mindfulness to remember to breathe.

Do you realize how important breathing deeply is? Several years ago, when at a health resort, I took classes on how to breathe. In the beginning, it was a bit baffling to think about taking a 30-minute class on breathing as the focal point. Then I was enlightened. The benefits of intentional breathing are numerous. You’ve likely heard that slow and intentional breathing is the fastest way to calm the mind, it can reduces stress, and it may be linked to lowering blood pressure. Research shows that some additional medical conditions may also improve with an awareness to focused breathing.

Now is a good time to literally schedule some breathing breaks in my daily routine. If it’s on my calendar, it is more likely to get done, and a few minutes is all it takes. Also, with the holidays around the corner, there’s another great reason to be more conscious of breathing deeply. Don’t let the stress of this joyous time of the year get to you. Put emotional guards in place to help you stay present, embrace, and enjoy the moments. 
Below are some practical insights and applications of how to breathe easier.

Usage and Benefits of 3 Respiratory Essential Oils
Frankincense Gift of Kings, Respiratory Support Essential Oils3 Ways to Use doTERRA Breathe Blend Essential Oil4 Ways to Use Eucalyptus Essential Oil

dōTERRA Breathe Respiratory Blend Products – Since being introduced to Breathe and the respiratory products, I’ve been surprised at how much I use them. I’ve never thought of myself as someone who needed respiratory support. Over the years, it really has made a difference to support my breathing at the beginning of the day, middle of the night, or whenever I’m struggling. I’ll rub the oils on my chest, back of the neck, or the bottoms of my feet. I keep either a Breathe Touch or Vapor Stick on my nightstand too.

doTERRA Breathe Respiratory BlenddoTERRA Respiratory Wellness Program for Members

Do you have sensitivities to some of the oils already mentioned? Here’s another option. Give Pink Pepper a try! 
doTERRA Pink Pepper Benefits and Product Information PagePink Pepper Recipe for Veggie SkewersPink Pepper & Grapefruit Diffuser Blend

Diffuser Deals - you get more for your money when you purchase a diffuser that includes oils!
Dawn Aroma-Humidifier Diffuser with Breathe and On Guard 15 ml OilsdoTERRA Onyx or Marble Diffuser with Breathe and Serenity 5 ml Oils
 Dawn Humidifier Diffuser with Breathe        Volo (Onyx or Marble) with Breathe 
 and On Guard 15 ml                                             and Serenity 5 ml   

Diffuser Blends and Recipes 
Clear The Air Diffuser BlendAir-X Diffuser BlendsLavender and Eucalyptus Bath Salt

For customized support, go to my calendar and schedule a complimentary consult.  Complete the form below to get your free eBook on Toxins and Air Quality: How to Freshen the Air Your Breathe. I'm looking forward to coming alongside of you on the journey of wellness.
In good health, 

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Get your copy of Toxins and Air Quality: How to Freshen the Air You Breathe!

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