
Boost and Support Your Immune System

doTERRA Essential Oils For The Immune SystemIt’s that time of the year when most, including myself are juggling competing schedules and commitments. We're also thinking about fall activities and wondering how we are going to stay well and strong throughout the season.  How are you gearing up to protect your stamina, energy, and immune system?

If you didn’t catch last month’s blog on Digestion and Detoxification, read it here.  

Why do I mention detoxification?  In order to prepare our health for what the fall and winter season can bring, it would be beneficial to start with getting your digestive system moving and cleaned up.  This is often the key to maximize your efforts and increase absorption when taking supplements and eating cleaner.  

Recently when researching digestion, I was surprised to learn that digestive issues are a bigger concern than the increased health risks from smoking!  You heard me right, crazy!  I was so surprised, yet when I paused and thought about it, it totally made sense.   In my opinion, how well our gut functions determines how well the rest of our other organs function.  Detoxing the digestive system will likely increase your energy and clear the brain fog, as well as bring you many other overall health benefits
By improving my digestion, I’ve experienced a much stronger immune system.  For as long as I can remember, 25+ years, I would get run down and end up in bed every year, at least once or twice between November and January.  In the past few years, that has changed for the positive and I have not encountered any health setbacks.  I owe my wellness to improved digestion and a healthier gut.    

Do you wonder why Probiotics are so important for good digestion?  Not sure how these fit into supporting the immune system?  Read the Product Insert Page and Q&A on PB Assist® + Probiotic Defense Formula and learn how it supports healthy digestive functions and immunities.

Articles on the Immune System and Essential Oils

The lifestyles we keep determine the health we’re in.  We have a lot of important  moments to share with our loved ones along with our adulting responsibilities. As you know, hectic schedules, stress, not enough sleep, inactivity, and poor nutrition all contribute to the immune system breaking down.  Here are some pointers and recipes I use whenever I start feeling run down.  First, stop and rest!  Seriously, rest is the best medicine!   
  • Rub essential oils on the bottoms of the feet and back of the neck making sure to cover the spine where some oils cross the blood-brain barrier.  Here are two of my favorite roller ball recipes.
    1. FLOOMM – 5 – 10 drops of each in a rollerball:  Frankincense, Lemon, On Guard, Oregano, Melaleuca (Tea Tree) and Melissa then fill the rest of the rollerball with Fractionated Coconut Oil
    2. DDR Prime + Oregano – 10 – 15 drops of each in a rollerball and then fill the rest with Fractionated Coconut Oil
    3. Essential oils can be reapplied topically every 3 – 4 hours.  
  • Soak in an Epsom salts bath at least 20 minutes and put Breathe Essential Oil or a few drops of Eucalyptus oil in the salts before you pour them in the tub.  If you prefer a shower, pour a few drops of Eucalyptus oil on the floor of your shower, and stand in the steam for a few minutes to help clear up the airways and detox.  Plus, use a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil with your body wash/bath bar on your washcloth.  Remember, Eucalyptus essential oil is for aromatic and topical use only.
  • Taking supplemental essential oils internally, you can ingest 20 – 24 drops per day, about 2 veggie capsules.  I’d suggest morning and night the moment you start feeling like you may be have come in contact with something.  Learn more on the internal use of supplemental essential oils.
  • Remember to keep your diffuser running to clean the air and reduce spreading germs. 
Below are several approaches and options to boosting and supporting your immune system.  I often mix and match oils (internally and topically) and supplements to change up my routine since it’s good for the cells of the body.  Rotating oils to give the cells different nutrients is like what you may be aware of doing when you need to change up your workout routine to outsmart the body and overcome plateaus.

Already a dōTERRA wholesale member?  Log into your account and add the Immunity Wellness Program or an Immune Support Kit to your LRP monthly order.

 doTERRA Immune Support Wellness Kit Get Started with Kit 1doTERRA Immunity Wellness Kit 2doTERRA Immunity Wellness Kit 2

Here are a couple additional options I use regularly to support wellness.  I've bundled these for your convenience into an Immune Defense and On Guard Kit.

  • Stronger Touch is technically the kids protective blend, however; it is just as effective for adults.  I often use this when going out in public especially when traveling on planes.  I’ll roll it up and down the glands on the sides and back of my neck.  Dab it under my nose and rub it on my wrists pulse points.  It smells so good too and is a great alternative to On Guard Touch.   For children, roll Stronger up and down their spines and bottoms of feet to get it into the body quickly.
  • DDR Prime Softgels are known to protect the body and cells from oxidative stress.
  • Copaiba Softgels are a must have for me since they are a powerful antioxidant and may support the immune, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems.
  • Melissa may help to support a healthy immune system when taken internally as well as help calm tension and nerves.  I personally like that Melissa also promotes relaxation by calming the nerves, which is why I commonly add a couple drops to my veggie cap at night. 


Hopefully you see there are several ways to customize the use of essential oils.  If you haven't started doing this yet, now is a good time to ask yourself how your body feels.  Mentally scan your body and listen to where the discomfort is coming from.  Where do you feel tension, stress, aches, or pains?  

To talk more about what is bothering you, go to my calendar or complete the form below to book a complimentary consult.  We’ll talk about what matters most to you and get you on the road to better health.
In good health, 

P.S.  Don't forget to click subscribe and stay up to date with my newest blog.

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